Does the caffeine I eat or drink get into my breastmilk?
When you have a cup of coffee or a bar of chocolate, the caffeine in these will enter your bloodstream. Once it's in your blood, a little bit of it appears in your milk. In fact, some portion of whatever you eat n drink appears in your breastmilk.
Will caffeine harm my baby?
There's been lots of research into how breastfeeding babies are affected by caffeine. All show that caffeine gets into breastmilk, but that it seems to have little effect on babies.
If you were to drink up to 750mg a day of caffeinated drinks (about five or six cups of coffee) it would hardly affect your baby. In tests, the amount of caffeine in the saliva or urine of breastfed babies whose mums drank this amount was either extremely low, or undetectable.
However, some mums who have drunk a lot of coffee do say their babies seem more irritable and unsettled when they are breastfeeding. If you have noticed this, try cutting down on caffeine and see what happens. Remember that tea, cola drinks and energy drinks all contain caffeine.
If you were to drink up to 750mg a day of caffeinated drinks (about five or six cups of coffee) it would hardly affect your baby. In tests, the amount of caffeine in the saliva or urine of breastfed babies whose mums drank this amount was either extremely low, or undetectable.
However, some mums who have drunk a lot of coffee do say their babies seem more irritable and unsettled when they are breastfeeding. If you have noticed this, try cutting down on caffeine and see what happens. Remember that tea, cola drinks and energy drinks all contain caffeine.
"pernah sekali tuh aku ada minum byk gak coffee siang hari so aku BF si zyad mcm biasa then bila mlm hari haaa ambik mmg dia xnk tido langsung mcm bru cas batery jer punya aktif so mayb sbb coffee yg aku minum siang hari tuh sejak tuh aku dh jarng nk minum coffee sgt.."
"menurut kata sesetengah org tua2 air kopi boleh mengurangkn production susu kita so aku agak mmg betul sbb bila aku minum coffee bila aku pump susu aku xkn byk mcm hari2 yg selalu aku pump ini menurut kajian aku jer la tap xtahu pula org lain mcm mana..."
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